Sunday, May 26, 2013


Day 4 has been the most exciting of all. It has been very difficult to blog because we have had even more excitement than expected. We rose early enough Saturday morning to hit up the Tillamook Cheese Factory, which means we had free cheese and ice cream samples for breakfast! The rest of the day was filled with many well-worth-it stops. The scenery was breathtaking and we have many pictures to show you guys. We ventured into closed roads and braved the site of a mudslide in order to check out a lighthouse, some wild life and The Octopus Tree. From there we made our way down to the beach for the "dipping of the wheels into the ocean" ceromony with intentions of dipping into the Atlantic ocean in a few months.

Park stealth camp

Awesome light house in Oceanside

Octopus tree

Dipping the wheel

Lest go to the Atlantic now !

 We stopped for some clam chowder in Oceanside, Oregon to recharge but once on our way again we were shorty distracted by Lexi's Cool Stuff. All I can say is that Lexi is a hoot and she had brownies and rum balls for everyone who entered her store. Within a few short miles of the store we ran into some jogging guys in togas when we realized that Jordan's "wallet" (money rubber banded to a piece of cardboard)  was missing. We knew our wonderful first day was too good to be true and our spirits started fading when the wallet did not show up at the cafe, the road or mixed in with Lexi's Cool Stuff. However, thanks to Jordan's bowels, one last trip to the port-a-potty revealed to him his wallet...floating in the blue sea of human waste.  We would say Jordan had a day of mixed emotions. Nothing a hose and some hand sanitizer can't fix! With our spirits high again(or was that Lexi's rum balls?) we were on our way again.

Lexi's cool stuff

 We hit a pretty massive climb for several miles but going from 3 mph to 35 mph made the climb worth the coast down. But at the bottom was another misfortune. Due to the holiday weekend, all of the campsites were full. Starving, tired and desperate to get in from the rain we resorted to knocking on doors for a yard to camp in. Well we definitely picked the right door. Jim the logger and his wife Sherley graciously allowed us to camp out on their back deck. We spent a nice night around the fire with them as well as Ed, Fred and Kelly before going to bed. Our next mishap was when Natalee's phone fell into the perfectly sized crack between the deck and the house. Jim once again saved the day with his handy dandy pincher. Jordan's wingspan and steady surgical hand freed the phone from the wooden prison or doom just in time for a wonderful breakfast of pancakes and eggs whipped up by Sherley. Oregon has definitely been kind to us and made this trip too amazing in less than a week. Today we bike onward for our last day on the coast before turning inland. We hope to update more frequently. Keep in touch and keep it classy!

Action shot!

Jim an Sherly's place !

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