Greetings from the Hawthorne hostel of Portland, Oregon. We made it with our bikes and ALL of our belongings...that's always a plus. Today has been a long day of travel...but of course we have much more traveling to do! We were at the Nashville airport by 6:30 am and it was nearly 10 central time before arriving at the hostel, wet and chilled from Portland's "summertime" weather. We have met some nice people already, which is one thing that we are looking forward to. Thanks Beth for the donation and encouragement and we wish you the best on your trip to Yellowstone. Also, a few days belated thanks to Dr. Paul Ledoux for your donation. The plan is to hang around here for another day and one more night to check out the city and to get our ducks in a row before heading to Tillamook to begin our ride on the TransAm. We are exhausted but wanted to keep you guys updated so here are a few pictures from the day. More trip details to come!

Nashville airport!

Annnddd the Portland airport. We have good reason to believe that Jesus has risen again to serenade travelers at airports via string instruments. His name might also be Jimmy Free World.
Keep it all coming guys! Can't wait to keep up with you through all of this. You don't know how excited for you I am, and how much I love and miss you dearly. Be safe and have fun! Can't wait to hear all about it. <3